Welcome to our club web site! We are a group of community minded individuals who serve our community
in many ways. Our ranks include parents, professionals, and retirees. Our primary focus is serving local
children as well as children around the world.
"Serving the Children of the World"
The Objects of Kiwanis
Giving primacy to human and spiritual, rather than material values.
Encouraging the daily living of the golden rule.
Promoting higher social, business and professional standards.
Developing a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.
Providing a practical means to form enduring friendships, render altruistic service, and build a better community.
Cooperating to create and maintain righeousness, justice, patriotism, and good will.
Please sign our guestbook  View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook
Want to visit our club?
Our club meets at noon every Monday (except the first Monday of the month) at the Elks Club
414 Scott St., Wausau
If you would like to visit our club or obtain more information, please contact us.
2013 Little Olympics Registration Form

The Kiwanis Club of Wausau has much to offer you: fun and fellowship with
members; excellent programs; family events; and varied opportunities to serve your community. Our club's success depends
upon its members' participation and leadership in serving the needs of our community.
Kiwanis International, one of the largest service organizations in the world, has
a rich history of growth, fellowship and service.
Each new member will continue to receive Kiwanis club education through programs,
publications, and district training meetings held each year.
Points of Interest
* January 1921-Kiwanis Club of Wausau received its' charter.
* Purchased 120 acres of land on top of Rib Mountain and deeded over to the State
of Wisconsin to develope a state park in 1922.
* In 1950, 65 acres of land was purchased and donated to Camp Del Eau Claire Girls
Scout Camp and Camp Sturtevant.
* In 1958, constructed the A.M. Van Dousen Lookout Tower on Rib Mountain.
Later help develope the snowshoe trail and amphitheatre.
* Sponsor of "Little Olympics" track & field events for kids, since 1965.
* Sponsor of "Key Clubs" in Wausau East, Wausau West, and D.C. Everest High Schools
since 1972.
* Sponsor of the Wausau Evening Kiwanis and the Golden K of Wausau.